La Madera, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for a quick overview of the Population & Steets in La Madeera City? If so, you have come to the right place! We've gathered information on the most important demographics of La Madera, California. You can use this data to plan your next vacation or explore the city's surrounding areas. You can also look up other cities in the region by typing in the address in the box below.

A demographic analysis of Madera shows that there are large generational groups. This information can be useful for employment research, as well as identifying areas of the city where retirees are most prevalent. For example, while the percentage of people under 20 is lower in Madera, it is much higher in Madera's CDP - Parkwood. Despite the relatively large proportion of 20-29-year-olds, the population of La Madera is also smaller than the average city.

The city's population is comprised of approximately 2,500 residents with roots in Santa Maria Tindu. Many of the remaining residents come from other regions of Oaxaca, which makes up a significant percentage of Madera's population. Mejia was born and raised in Fresno, but spent a year living in Oaxaca working with a migrant leader named Rufino Dominguez, who currently works for the state's migrant affairs institute.

The median property value in Madera, CA is $224,100. This is about 0.932 times smaller than the national average. Madera's homeownership rate is 47.7%, and is much lower than the California average of 64.1%. Madera residents commute to work alone, with an average commute time of 27.2 minutes. Approximately two cars are owned per household in Madera.