Lindrith, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lindrith is estimated at 224 people. The population of Lindrith is declining by 3.4% since the year 2020. In Lindrith, there are a wide variety of racial and ethnic groups. You can check out the diversity map to learn more about your area. This map shows the racial makeup of the city and the percentage of people of different races living in the city.

You should consider the neighborhood when deciding to move to Lindrith. If all of the houses in the neighborhood look the same, then it might not be a good idea to live there. Also, look for a place that has adequate parking space. In Lindrith, parking spaces may be limited. You should also check out how the neighborhood maintains itself. This can help you decide whether or not you would like to stay in the area or move somewhere else.

The area around Lindrith is relatively safe, especially when compared to other cities in the state. However, there is a high rate of vehicle theft. This area is in the 2nd percentile of safe cities. In comparison, 98% of cities are safer and only 2% are more dangerous than Lindrith. Lindrith has an average of 7.24 thefts per thousand residents per year. The north section of Lindrith is considered safest for vehicle theft.