Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets data for the city of Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico, you have come to the right place. Here you will find the most current population and steets data for Ruidoso Downs. Compared to the entire United States, Ruidoso Downs has a population of 2,631 people. However, since the year 2020, the population has declined by 7.3%. The median home price in Ruidoso Downs is $166300.

The median annual income of households in Ruidoso Downs, NM is $28,646. This is lower than the national average of $65,712 and neighboring geographies. The percentage of households that own a car is only 17.9%, so there are many people who have to carpool or take the bus to get to work. The other two categories of households have a lower median income than the city's population.

In 2010, the median gross rent in Ruidoso Downs was $663/month, a figure that has remained relatively unchanged over the last decade. This figure includes utilities and some other expenses associated with a home. It was higher than the state-level rent burden for New Mexico, which was 30.7%, but less than neighboring cities like Anthony, which had a rent burden of 32.4%. Also, 46.4% of the housing units in Ruidoso Downs were occupied by renters in 2014, a higher percentage than the state average of 30.8%.

If you are looking for a home in Ruidoso, NM, you'll want to check out the Coldwell Banker website. This site offers a complete list of homes for sale in Ruidoso. The average home price in Ruidoso Downs is $419,500, and listings are updated daily. This number is up to date as of December 2015.