Trementina, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Tremenda City? If so, you've come to the right place. Read on to find out what the city's population looks like. You may even be able to see some of the neighborhoods that are located near major transportation hubs and other high-traffic areas. But even then, the population in these neighborhoods may be very sparse.

Considering moving to Trementina? Check out the nearby cities. The nearest large cities often have major airports, so try to find flights that go there. If Trementina is too far away, you can try looking for cities that are within four hours' drive of the town. Otherwise, try looking for cities that are less than 30 miles away. This will give you a good idea of where to stay and how to get around in Trementina City.

After the Great Depression, many homesteaders left the town. Cattle replaced sheep, and larger ranches began replacing homesteads. The community survived this drought, though. For forty years, Presbyterian missionary Alice Blake lived among the residents of Trementina. The missionary encouraged education and many descendants have gone on to higher education. However, after World War II, the population of Trementina declined. Many veterans returned home from the war, and many of them took jobs in nearby cities.