Wagon Mound, New Mexico Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's it like to live in Wagon Mound City? What is the median home value? How do you find out if Wagon Mound, NM is right for you? Find out below. And be sure to check out our other Wagon Mound, NM community profiles! We've got a whole host of interesting facts about Wagon Mound, NM.

The city's population is only 283 people, with a decrease of 10.9% between now and 2020. The average commute time is 0.0 minutes, and the median home value is $61,900. Over the past decade, homes in Wagon Mound have appreciated at 4.4%! And it's an enviable place to live. Whether you're a first-time home buyer or a seasoned real estate professional, you'll be happy to know that the median home value in Wagon Mound isn't just any old house.

The median income in Wagon Mound is $35,500, which is a bit below the national average and New Mexico's median income of $65,712 per person. But that doesn't necessarily mean Wagon Mound is a bad place to live; it's better to live in the east than in the southwest! While Wagon Mound isn't as dangerous as some of its surrounding neighborhoods, it is definitely less safe than many of the neighboring cities in Wagon Mound.

The average household income in Wagon Mound, NM is $6,600 and up. The median household income is $53,800, which is lower than the U.S. average of $60,000.