Altmar, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Altmar City, New York, is a suburb of New York, United States. Its population is approximately 56,000 people, with a population density of 2.6 people per square mile. Altmar City has a median household income of $43,158 and a high school graduation rate of 72%. The average household has a male head and a female head. The average household size is 3.4 people.

The total population of Altmar City is 389, down from 407 in 2010. In 2010, Altmar was the fourteenth largest city in the United States. The percentage of non-citizens has remained the same. The city is home to the fewest foreign-born residents in the Midwest. In addition, the population is primarily white. Therefore, the city has a lower poverty rate than the rest of the city.

The Altmar population belongs to several ethnic groups. The majority of residents are White, with some reporting German, French, Irish, and Italian ancestry. English is the official language of Altmar, with Italian, Polish, and German being spoken in the city. However, residents of Altmar are not fluent in any of these languages. As a result, English is the language of choice in Altmar.

The main employment sectors in Altmar are Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Transportation & Warehousing. These three industries account for nearly 40% of Altmar's jobs. Other than these, the most common occupations in the Altmar area are Construction, Service, and Other Business and Industry