Arkport, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Arkport City is approximately 867 people. There are 0.2% Black residents and 99% White. The second largest ethnic group is Hispanic or Latino, followed by 20 Others (Non-Hispanic), 7 Two+, and 0% American Indian or Alaska Native. The most common foreign born resident's birthplace is the Dominican Republic, with the rest being either China or Jamaica.

The median income for Arkport City, NY is $64,156. There are four different categories of household income: the highest income earners are male and those with the lowest. There are 426 people employed in the city. The largest industries are Health Care & Social Assistance, Educational Services, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industries in Arkport, NY are Transportation & Warehousing (75.625%) and Education & Training (26.8%).

The zip code for Arkport is 14807. The postal code contains a 9-digit code, and includes the street address. The city is in Steuben County, and parts of Allegany County are within the city's boundaries. The population of Arkport is primarily white, with a slightly lower percentage of African American and Hispanic residents. There are slightly less families and single parents than the national average. The percentage of children under 18 is slightly above average. There are few vacancies in Arkport.