Ava, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are several ways to determine the Population & Steets of Ava City, MO. There are some key statistics you should know. One important fact is the percentage of households in Ava with more than one car. This figure may not be 100% accurate, but it will give you an idea of the area's economic status. In Ava, MO, there are roughly 129 people per household, and a majority of those live in the city center.

The median household income in Ava is $31,298. This is slightly higher than the Missouri average of $29,412. However, Ava has a lower rate of income inequality than the rest of the state. Ava, MO has a population of 958 people. Of these, 189 live in Manufacturing, 187 live in Retail Trade, and 102 live in Educational Services. The three largest employment sectors in Ava, MO are Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Health Care & Social Assistance. These three industries account for 0% of the total population of Ava.

Ava, MO is a community of about 2.89k residents. The median property value is $86,600. It is a largely middle class city, with a homeownership rate of 58.8%. Ava, MO residents drive to work alone, with the average commute time being 14 minutes. On average, residents drive two cars per household. 0% of the population is foreign-born.