Brocton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article will give you information about Population & Steets in Brockton City, Massachusetts. It will provide you with the necessary details you need to know before moving to Brockton. In addition, you'll be able to get a feel for the city's climate, which is one of the windiest in the United States. The average wind speed in Brockton is 14.3 mph.

QuickFacts data for Brocton City come from the American Community Survey, the Census of Housing and Population, the Current and the Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, the Economic Census, and the Survey of Business Owners and Residents. The data compiled in the QuickFacts reports are accurate to the best of our ability and should be used to inform decisions about population growth in Brocton City.

The city of Brockton has a total population of 94,833, making it one of the most diverse in Massachusetts. While the median household income in Brockton is less than the national average, it is still higher than the city's neighbors. A significant portion of Brockton's residents are low-income, which is reflected by their poverty rates. They also report lower levels of education than other cities and ZIP codes.