Burt, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median age in Burt is 34.9, with 52.8% of the population being male and 47.2% being female. Of those, 437 live in the same house they occupied a year ago. Most of Burt's workforce is made up of white-collar workers, while blue-collar workers make up the rest of the working population. There are also 11 entrepreneurs in the area, accounting for 4.89% of the total workforce. Lastly, there are 171 workers working for private companies and governmental institutions in the city.

According to the 2016 census, the median age was 38.2 years. There were 26.5% of residents who were younger than eighteen years, 7.1% between 18-24 years, and 25-44-year-olds. The rest of the workforce was divided into blue-collar, white-collar, and other occupations. The city had a population of approximately 1,900 people, making it a relatively diverse community.