Buskirk, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are looking for the Population & Steets in Busckirk City, you will want to take a look at a number of factors that can influence the number of crimes committed in the town. For instance, the number of arsons per 1000 residents in the city might appear inflated, but this may simply be because there aren't many retail establishments in the city. In addition, many crimes are committed in blocks with only a few people. This means that areas marked by red on the map are not necessarily safe for Buskirk residents.

The population of Buskirk City is made up of a variety of different types of housing. First, you have single family detached housing. There are 36,569 units of one-unit housing in the city. This housing type is often referred to as row houses or town homes. You can also find apartments, which range in size from two to 50 units. In addition to detached housing, Buskirk also has apartment housing.

Next, you should consider the level of education. You should know that people in Buskirk City, NY have a median age of 37 years old. This is higher than the national average for Americans. If you want to learn more about the educational levels of the people in the city, you can check the tables below. The information you find here will give you a clearer picture of Buskirk's residents.