Canandaigua, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Canandaigua city census provides information about the racial and ethnic makeup of the community. You can also view detailed information on the area's schools and museums. You can also view the city's ZIP code to see which schools are located in the area. For example, you can see how many people live in the neighborhood of Canandaigua High School.

Canandaigua is a borough in Upstate New York located about 25 miles from Rochester. It is a historic, scenic, and vibrant community that has a thriving business scene. Located on the north end of Canandaigua Lake, it has ample outdoor recreation. It is home to the world-famous Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion.

The city has a population of 10,287. Of those, 291 were born outside the US. The most common foreign-born birthplaces are the Dominican Republic, China, and Jamaica. Non-Hispanic Whites account for 93.9% of the population, while other races account for just 0.9%. A majority of residents are US citizens, making this community very diverse.

In the past, Canandaigua was home to a Seneca village. The town was destroyed by the French in 1687. Afterwards, European settlers began moving into the area. This resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Canandaigua, which established clear land boundaries and negotiated peaceful relations with the Iroquois Confederacy. Today, Canandaigua is primarily known for its business and tourism districts, thriving downtown, and beautiful residential neighborhoods. Agricultural assets are also abundant in Canandaigua. Its summer cottages are also popular.