Canaseraga, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're planning a vacation to Canaseraga City, you may be curious about the population and steets there. Regardless of where you are staying, you should be aware of the demographics of this area. Here's the latest information on the area's population. It's estimated to have 198 people. There are three main racial groups in the city: White, Hispanic, and Black. The percentage of renter occupied housing units is 33.3%, which is higher than the national average. The median property value in Canaseraga is $61,500. The average number of cars in the city is two.

The most recent census data from the United States reveals that 0.3% of Canaseraga city residents are of Hispanic ancestry. While Hispanics are grouped into the any race category, the numbers for Canaseraga residents are still quite low. As a result, the city is home to a mix of races and sexes, including Asians.

The city is located in the northern part of the Town of Burns. It is at the intersection of County Road 13 and New York State Route 70. This makes it convenient for residents to get to work. In addition to the town's many amenities, Canaseraga is home to the oldest jail in Allegany County. In addition to the local jail, Canaseraga also features the Canaseraga Town Clerk office, which keeps public records and handles a variety of transactional services.