Canastota, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data show the distribution of the population in Canastota City. The most common racial or ethnic groups are: White, Black, and Native American. There are also various thresholds for poverty in the city, based on family size and composition. The majority of Canastota residents are covered by health insurance, with 60.6% of households receiving coverage through an employer, 17.5% through Medicaid, 9.23% through Medicare and 0.984% through the military or VA.

Canastota, NY has a low homeowner ownership rate. The percentage of non-English speakers in households is just 12.7%. The median property value in the city is $132,100. The homeownership rate in Canastota, NY is 61.4%. Most residents commute alone, with an average commute time of 25.5 minutes.

Canastota, NY is home to an estimated 2.3k people. It has an economy that is dominated by several industries. The largest sector in the city is Health Care & Social Assistance, employing 409 people. Other industries include Finance & Insurance and Retail Trade. The highest paying industry in Canastota, NY is Public Administration, with a median annual income of $76667.

The median age of Canastota, NY is 37.4, while its foreign born population is 0.7% lower than the national average of 13.5%. Canastota, NY has a large number of veterans, including those from the Vietnam War.