Castle Creek, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Castle-Creek City, NY include the number of households and the ages of its residents. The city has approximately 1,202 residents, with 615 males and 587 females. The median age of Castle Creek residents is 39.5 years, while the death rate is 2.2 percent. The city's race breakdown varies year-to-year, with 1,187 people of one race. The population also includes people of other races.

The New Castle Municipal Airport serves the community, but does not offer commercial services. Most residents fly into Pittsburgh International Airport. Other nearby airports include the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport and Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. In the media market, WNWW Radio and Cable TV station is available on Comcast cable. The station consists of training stations for Westminster College and is distributed throughout the area. The city also has a newspaper, the New Castle News, published daily.

The population of Castle Creek City, PA includes many different types. There are several kinds of census data. First, the population's age is recorded. The population age group of a city is represented by the average number of households with children. This information is useful for determining a house's affordability. Another demographic is the school enrollment, which relates to how many children attend school. In Castle Creek, the number of kindergarten-aged children is 55,834, while high school-aged children is 67,747 students. The city's college-age population includes 17,210 students.

The Castle Creek / Lilac neighborhood is home to more than three percent of residents with Welsh and Scottish ancestry. This neighborhood has the longest commute in the United States. For example, if you work in the Lilac/Castle Creek area, you will be required to drive to your office for about six miles each way. That's an awful commute, and you'll have to spend at least three hours each way to get to work.