Cementon, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're trying to figure out the population of Cementon, PA, you should first know the statistics for the area. The Cementon City poverty rate is 4.47%, which is lower than the national average. Across the entire state of Pennsylvania, there are 12.8% of people who are living below the poverty line. For Cementon, the median income is $9,400, which is less than the national average.

People in Cementon, New York are mostly white, although a few minorities are also present. A total of 913 people identify as African-American, American Indian, and Asian. Additionally, 10.7% of residents identify as Hispanic. The rest of the residents of Cementon, NY, are Hispanic or of mixed race. Only 2.6% of the population identify as other.

The median property value in Cementon, PA was $180,600 in 2019. This is 0.751 times smaller than the national average. Cementon's homeownership rate is 66.7%, higher than the national average. Approximately 66.7 percent of residents in Cementon are homeowners. The city has a median household income of $61,346. The number of residents who own a vehicle is the same as the national average, with two vehicles per household.