Childwold, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Childwold City are the two main statistics you need to know about the city. The rate of theft per resident in Childwold is higher than the average for New York cities. Despite this fact, it is still safe compared to other cities. The national average is 0.039, which is also lower than Childwold's rate. The city's population of 84,265 is less than one third of the national average.

The diversity map of Childwold shows you where the city is populated by different races and ethnicities. Green areas are generally more diverse than red ones. Red areas are areas where most people are of one race or ethnicity. All-white and all-black areas would be considered less diverse. However, if you live in an area that has a high percentage of African-Americans, this is a good sign.

The ZIP Code for Childwold, NY is 12922. This city is in Saint Lawrence County. Its official USPS name is Childwold, New York. However, portions of it fall within the boundaries of Childwold. The city is located within Saint Lawrence County and is part of the 315 and 518 area code. The population of Childwold is approximately 65. Once you know your zip code, you can get directions to your new home.