Claverack, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population and steets of Claverack City, you should look at the demographics of the city. Currently, Claverack has a population of 5,648 people. The average commute time is 22.1 minutes, with a shorter time if you live in the city's southern part. The median home price in Claverack is $348,500, and homes in this community have appreciated by 7.3% over the past 10 years.

In Claverack, New York, there are 288 households. The average household size is 2.35 people, and the median home value is $187,981. The population is expected to decrease by -0.1% in the next few years, but is projected to increase slightly over the next decade. The ratio of males to females in Claverack is 1.04 to one. A map of Claverack is useful in a variety of settings, from moving to a new home to business.

The median household income in Claverack is $60,833. Compared to the rest of the country, this number is slightly higher than the national average. It also has nicer demographics than nearby ZIP codes. And if you're looking for a place to raise your children, consider 12513. The town has a diverse community that's ready to serve you. There are many jobs available for those looking to make their community a better place to live.

Claverack, New York is a predominantly rural community, with small hamlets like Martindale and Philmont. In addition to the town proper, there are several villages outside of Claverack. The largest one, Cleverack, is home to a park with a walking path, tennis courts, playgrounds, baseball and softball fields, and a pavilion. The school district is the Hudson City School District.