Colonie, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Colonie, NY has a population of 7.74k, a decrease from the previous year. The median household income is $88,281 and the highest paying industry is Utilities. In terms of health coverage, 98.4% of Colonie, NY residents are covered by health insurance. In terms of employee plans, 59.5% of households have employer-provided coverage, while 5.94% of residents are on Medicaid or Medicare. The remaining 0.944% of residents use public transportation to get to work.

The CSEA, the local labor union, endorsed two candidates for the position of mayor of Colonie. In the 2021 general election, Democrat Linda Murphy was re-elected to her third term. A number of city propositions passed and the filing deadline is March 25, 2021. The New York State Board of Elections will hold the next election in January 2022. This election is the second of two in a row to pass city propositions in Colonie.

The Colonie Chamber of Commerce is a group of people dedicated to advancing members' business interests and promoting commerce in Colonie. It is an important source of information for residents, businesses, and government. The Chamber of Commerce also supports a number of other interests in the community. The city is located in the Capital Region. In this way, it is a major business hub.