Constable, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the local area of Constable City, New York, you should know the average income and population. The median home value is $92,162 and the average household size is 2.60. You can also use these stats to determine your local advertising budget. Constable, NY is a small town that has a population of 1,754 people and 920 households. The median age is 39 years old and there are around 2.60 households per 1000 people. The population of Constable is expected to grow by 4.0% over the next decade. The gender balance in Constable is relatively equal with one male for every two females.

The Constable City population is dense and very walkable. The Constable Hook West neighborhood is particularly walkable, with 226,162 residents per square mile. Because Americans enjoy walking in public areas, it is crucial to find a neighborhood that is both walkable and has plenty of green spaces for families to exercise. This can increase property values. In addition, many Americans prefer to walk to work or go for a walk.