Copake, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Crime Grade map for Copake shows you which areas of the city are safer than others. The safest areas are yellow, while the riskiest ones are red. The map shows you the type of crimes in each area as well as the overall crime rate. For example, crime in the west of Copake is slightly higher than in the south, while crime is lower in the central part of the city. The crime rate map for Copake is in the 86th percentile. Crime in Copake is lower than in neighboring cities, but not as low as it is in other parts of the island.

While the majority of Copake citizens are non-Hispanic white, the percentage of Hispanics or Latinos in the city is relatively low. In fact, the Hispanic or Latino population is only 2.5% of the total population, which is lower than most places in the area. Another key statistic to keep in mind when comparing the two sexes is the male to female ratio. In Copake City, men make up 4.5% of the population, while women make up 79.8%.

The overall population density of Copake City is 3.26 residents per square mile, which is lower than the state average and national average. In addition, the population density of Copake is significantly lower than that of the Great Barrington CDP. For comparison, Claverack-Red Mills is 3.8 times larger than Copake, while Great Barrington has a population density of 1,560.