Cowlesville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about the Population & Steets of Cowlesville City? Are you planning to relocate there? Find out the population and steets of this area by checking out the latest census data. Also, learn about the diversity of this place by looking at the maps and statistics below. This is a map showing the number of people from various races in Cowlesville.

There are several important demographic statistics to know about Cowlesville City. First, you should know that the town's population is low in some parts of the city, such as major parks and airports. Most residents do not live near such places, so crime rates may appear higher than the actual numbers. Still, you need to remember that crime is where people are. And this is true for the town as well.

The neighborhood of Evanston and Cowlesville contains a variety of ethnic groups, with many people speaking both Polish and German. The area is also unique linguistically. People in this neighborhood speak Polish at home, which is higher than 95.2% of other neighborhoods in the United States. Also, the town has many churches and small businesses. Among the most ethnically diverse communities are the Irish, French, and Italian.

As for the real estate market in Cowlesville, the neighborhood has a low vacancy rate at 4.5%. This is considerably lower than the national average of 72.5%, which may indicate increased prices and new construction in the neighborhood. The population of Cowlesville / Evanston is largely comprised of small, medium, and large homes. While the area's real estate prices are higher than the national average, the rents are lower than the national average, which is positive for the neighborhood.