Deansboro, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Deansboro is located in the state of New York? If so, you're not alone. Deansboro is a small town that's home to about 1,266 people. Among the population are 195 males and 186 females. A majority of the population lives in the city's urban areas. The surrounding area contains smaller towns and rural areas.

This populated place is in the Town of Marshall, a minor civil division in Oneida County. The elevation of Deansboro is 817 feet, and the city appears on the Oriskany Falls U.S. Geological Survey map. It is part of the Eastern Time Zone. You can find the zip code for Deansboro by entering the ZIP+4 address in the search bar above.

The education attainment of the population is another indicator of the quality of a city's environment. The education level of the population over the age of 25 years shows the type of education that is available. This number is often used to determine whether or not a city's environment is suitable for a particular group of people. Deansboro city is no exception. The county population is 60,218. The population is divided between nursery and elementary schools. There were 12,771 college and graduate school students in Deansboro in 2016.