Diamond Point, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Diamond Point City, Missouri, population is spread out. The population of Diamond is composed of native-born residents who are thirty-five years old and foreign-born residents who are sixty-four years old or older. In terms of ethnicity, the most common races and ethnicities living in Diamond, MO are White, Two Or More, and Black. The median age of the people living in Diamond, MO is thirty-six years old.

The median household income in Diamond, MO is $46,595, which is lower than the national average of $65,712. Compared to the national average, Diamond has a higher than average homeownership rate, at 77%. The percentage of employed people in Diamond, MO is higher than the national average of sixty-four percent. There are four employment opportunities in Diamond. The main types of employment in Diamond, MO include Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Health Care & Social Assistance.