East Jewett, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of East Jewett City, CT? This city has an average age of 29.8. There are a few different ways to define how old someone in East Jewett City is. Listed below are the most common racial and ethnic groups. The median age for all people in Jewett City is 29, but the age range for foreign-born citizens is much higher.

East Jewett City has a crime rate of 7.94 per thousand residents. The southwest part of the city is considered to be the safest. Compared to the central neighborhoods, residents in the southwest portion of the city can expect to have a 1 in 139 chance of being a victim of crime. This doesn't sound intuitive, but a map of East Jewett's crime rate closely resembles the population maps of neighboring cities.

The area surrounding a major airport, park, and golf course has a relatively low population. Most residents of East Jewett City live far from such places. Because of this, crime may appear higher in these locations, but crime is always happening where people are. So, what should you be looking for in the area around East Jewett City? Consider the following areas when determining where to live. This information will give you a better idea of what's nearby.

A few years after its founding, the Jewett City Cotton Manufacturing Company was established, later expanding into a larger company. This business led to an increase in population and a small boom in raw silk. In 1845, a cotton mill was built on the site of the former Ashland Mill, named after Henry Clay's estate in Kentucky. And in 1850, a railroad line was completed between Jewett City and Preston City.