Ellicottville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to relocate to a smaller city and are looking for a great place to raise a family, Ellicottville is an excellent choice. This New York city is located about three-fourths of the way up the Hudson River. Its population is roughly 9,000 people. The average household size is three-fourths the size of the entire city. The majority of households in Ellicottville are headed by a married couple, with the number of married couples ranging from eight to fifteen.

The median property value in Ellicottville, NY is $256,000, which is 1.06 times larger than the US average of $240,500. While the median property value increased by 31.6% between 2018 and 2019, the GINI in Ellicottville, NY is still higher than the national average of 0.478. In addition, there are far fewer workers without insurance, with an average commute time of twenty-four minutes.

The racial and ethnic composition of the Ellicottville area is varied, with 3.8% of residents speaking a language other than English. The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line is Two Or More. Other racial and ethnic groups represented in the area include White, Black, and Indo-European. The unemployment rate in Ellicottville, NY is 5.0%, with 18.4% of residents working for the government.

The current population density of Ellicottville, NY is 382 people, which is significantly lower than the city's peak population in 1990 (572). The town's population density is significantly lower than the state and national average, with Franklinville and Machias CDPs having much higher densities than Ellicottville. So, if you are considering moving to Ellicottville, NY, be sure to consider these factors when looking for a home.