Heuvelton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Heuvelton is a village in California's Central Valley. It is home to around 8,000 people. The median age of the population is 40.6 years. While that may seem old, this age is well within the national average. Many people work from home in knowledge-based fields, and some are even self-employed. The area has a low crime rate and has one of the lowest crime rates in the US.

According to the United States Postal Service (USPS), Heuvelton is a city in Saint Lawrence County. The zip code is also known as Heuvelton. While the city itself has no official name, the postal service uses a default name for the community. Residents are categorized as Lower Middle Class. There are approximately 0.96 males for every female. However, this number may fluctuate over time.

The borough of Heuvelton is a small rural village located six miles southeast of Ogdensburg, New York. The village is bisected by Route 812, which is also known as State Street within the village limits. The town's main business is the Heuvelton Deli, which features pizza and other local fare. The Denny Hotel was located next to the deli.