Hogansburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Hogansburg, New York, has a population of approximately 2,558 people, including 1,260 males and 1,298 females. The median age is 29 and the average sex is 31.4. There are approximately 467 births and 465 deaths per year in Hogansburg. The city's race breakdown has fluctuated in recent years, but it is generally the same as it was in 2010. There are a total of 2,543 people of one race in Hogansburg.

The education level of residents in Hogansburg City is represented in the table below. Education level is defined as the highest educational level a person can have. A person's education level may be indicated by the level of schooling or degree attained. For example, in Hogansburg, approximately 25,066 people were educated, while those under 25 had only a high school diploma. Aside from the education level, population age also helps determine what kinds of jobs a person might qualify for.

The demographic makeup of Hogansburg is distinct from the surrounding area. Non-reservation Indians make up over 75 percent of the total population. Census block numbers indicate that the population of Hogansburg City is different than the surrounding area. In 1990, non-reservation Indians made up 72.1% of the population. In 2000, non-reservation Indians made up about 75.7% of the total population. As such, there is a significant Indian population in the area.