Lackawanna, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the population and steets of Lackawanna City, Pennsylvania? Use the map below to get a quick comparison of the city's crime rates. Although it's not intuitive to compare violent crime rates across cities, the map shows that Lackawanna has a lower violent crime rate than the average for Pennsylvania. While it's not an intuitive tool, this map shows the simple number of crimes per 1,000 residents and visitors.

The population of Lackawanna was overwhelmingly older than the population of surrounding towns. While only 6% of Lackawanna residents are over the age of 65, the median age of the residents is 38. The percentage of men over women is higher than that of females, with a male to female ratio of 92.3 to 1. The rate of singles is higher in Lackawanna than in the surrounding area, although not as high as the rate of singles.

Lackawanna, NY's estimated population is 17,751 people. This makes it the third most populated city in the greater Lackawanna region. Buffalo has the highest population of 255,805 people. The overall change in population in Lackawanna, NY is a decline of three hundred and seven people from 2010 to 2020. The city has a high school and college graduation rate, with approximately 82.5% of its population claiming a higher education.

Although Lackawanna is located in the metropolitan district of Buffalo, it remains relatively undiscovered. Lackawanna City School Distric is responsible for education, and has been ranked highly for years. While it is located close to Buffalo, this city offers a peaceful, quaint relic of the past. Its small-town charm keeps it from becoming overrun by the masses.