Livingston Manor, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article will provide you with information on the Population & Steets in Livingstone Manor, NY. The data will show where there are the highest concentrations of crime. This will help you find the safest areas in Livingston Manor, NY, and where you may want to stay away from. Also, you will learn about the types of crimes that are commonly committed in Livingston Manor, NY.

The median age of residents in Livingston Manor, NY is 50.3 years. This is slightly older than the U.S. average. About 9.2% of the population is 65 years old or older. In comparison, 15.2% of the United States population is 65 years old and older. Livingston Manor has a lower than average percentage of people who are 65 years and older. Residents who are 65 years old and older tend to be married.

The city has a population of 1,074 and is growing at a rate of 5.4% a year. The median home price in Livingston Manor is $228,600, and the home appreciation rate is 5.1% over the past decade. This means that living in Livingston Manor is a good investment for the long-term. The community is home to many professionals. The people who live in the city are friendly and helpful.

As far as race goes, Hispanics make up 21.4% of the population of Livingston Manor, NY. Despite the city's small size, Livingston Manor's Hispanic community is larger than the rest of the city. The percentage of residents who identify as Hispanic is much higher than that of the United States population. In addition to being more diverse than the national average, Livingston Manor is home to many people of different races.