Mahopac Falls, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the people of Mahopac Falls, New York, you can use the population and steets map. While some neighborhoods are walkable, others may have more traffic, which makes commute times difficult. Still, this map is a helpful tool for those who want to travel to nearby towns. It gives you an idea of what people are like and where they work.

The population of Mahopac Falls, NY is 3,400 strong, with most homes being single-family homes. While many of these homes were built during the 20th century, they have been remodeled over time into large waterfront homes. Townhouse communities in Mahopac Falls include a handful of townhouses, including Society Hill, Hunters Run, and White Sail. On Lake Mahopac, there are also several rental properties and cooperative complexes.

The most common ancestry among residents of the Mahopac Falls neighborhood is Irish. Some report German roots, and some are of South American or Puerto Rican descent. 13.5% of the population was born in other countries. Mahopac Falls also has a diverse ethnic makeup. While many people speak English at home, residents of the neighborhood speak Spanish, Italian, and Polish. This is indicative of a culturally diverse neighborhood.

Census data can provide useful information about the people of Mahopac, NY. The most common employment sectors in Mahopac, NY are Health Care & Social Assistance, Education, and Retail Trade. Census data tagged to a residential address can provide useful information on where people live and work. They may even be able to find out where they used to live in Mahopac. The city has a large population of military personnel, including those who served in the Vietnam War.