Mastic Beach, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population and steets of Mastic Beach, NY are listed below. The most common form of transportation is car, with a population of 6,301. The city is served by a number of public transportation options, including buses and subways. The median household income is $62,602.

The population of Mastic Beach, NY is comprised of mostly white residents, with a minority of foreign-born residents. The city has an overall median age of 39.4 and a minority of people who are foreign-born. The majority of foreign-born residents hail from the Dominican Republic, China, and Jamaica. These populations have higher median ages than other cities in New York. The diversity in Mastic Beach is increasing, with a population of over 39.

The city was incorporated on August 31, 2010, and became a municipality. Its residents had to vote for incorporation and the first elected mayor was Paul Breschard. The city was incorporated by a majority vote. Mastic Beach was first incorporated on August 31, 2010, with the mayor being elected in the same year. A city council meeting was held on March 16, 2017.

The City of Mastic Beach is located in Suffolk County, New York. The area has an average population of 14,674. The city's median income is $147,487. The city has a median household size of three. Mastic Beach, NY has many daycare options for children. Some of these include Precious Lamb Day Care, St Jude Nursery School, and Your Bagel Cafe.