Mooers, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets data for Mooers City, NY, you have come to the right place. Here you can find out how many people live in the city and how much they make. If you are considering moving to Mooers City, NY, make sure to check the median household income as well as the ethnic makeup of the city. In Mooers, NY, there are 300 white residents, and eight hispanic residents.

The median household income in Mooers, NY is $36,447. This is below the national median of $65,712, but it is higher than the average of $41,838 in neighboring geographies. The table below shows how Mooers, NY's median household income compares to its neighboring and parent geographies. This data also shows the sex-based wage disparity for the five most common occupations in Mooers, NY.

Mooers residents are of diverse ethnicities. While many report they are of White race, there is evidence of French, German, Irish, Welsh, and English ancestry. The most common languages spoken by residents of Mooers are English and Italian. African languages are also commonly spoken in the city. However, this does not mean that the population of this city is uncomfortably low.

Rent burden data for Mooers shows the proportion of household income spent on rent. This information can help measure the affordability of housing in the city. Mooers has a higher rent burden than the average state of New York, where 31.6% of households live in rental housing. In addition, 43.9% of Mooers, NY households rent their homes. Compared to the national average, rent burden in the city of Mooers is higher than the state of New York at 38.7%.