Newfane, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table displays the Population & Steets in Newfrane City, New York. As of 2016, the city has a population of 3,769 people. According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, the median household income in Newfane is $47,127. The poverty rate in the city is 0.326%, making it one of the least-poverty-prone areas of Newfane.

The population and steets in Newfane City are comparatively lower than the national average. In fact, the median age is 23. There is a higher rate of bachelor's degree graduates living in Newfane, which is a definite plus. The cost of living in the area is slightly below average. Compared to other cities, the quality of life in Newfane is better than average.

The median house value in Newfane is $71,368. The median household income in Newfane, NY is $74,500, which is about average for the city. Renters' shares are slightly higher than the national average, at 19.5%. The percentage of renters is 19.5%. And there are only a few businesses in Newfane, NY. That's quite a difference, but it's still a good indication of the town's economy.

The zip code 14108 is part of the Niagara County, New York, USA. Its official name is "NEWFANE", and parts of it include South Newfane. The zip code for this area is D, which is the preferred name by the USPS. Each ZIP Code has one default name, and this one is D. If you're trying to sell a home in Newfane, make sure it's in the city's ZIP code.