Old Chatham, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Old 'Chachham City'? In this article, you'll learn more about the demographics of this historic city, including how many people live in the area and how they get around. The data on Old Chatham's population and its steets was compiled from the 2020 American Community Survey. This survey is updated each year as new data becomes available. You can find out which demographic groups live in Old Chatham by zip code.

In Old Chatham, NY, there are currently 8,75 residents. Of that number, 206 are under the age of 20. This group is composed of males and females who are younger than 20 years old. The rest of the population, who are 18 years of age and older, are comprised of 680 people. Old Chatham has a diverse population. If you're looking for a place to raise a family, there are many places for families in the area.

Although the area has a low median age, there are many elderly residents as well. Chatham's percentage of seniors is much higher than that of Barnstable County. The median age for residents in Chatham is about 58 years old, while the average age of Massachusetts residents is around forty-nine. The city's population is also more diverse than its neighboring towns and cities. In 2016, there were 138 homes and condos assessed for less than $200k, and more than 20 percent of them were worth more than $300k.