Patchogue, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Patchogue City, New York is 7.19k people. As of the last census, the city's economy grew at a rate of 4.93% between 2018 and 2019. The three biggest industries in Patchogue, NY are Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction, and Retail Trade, with some residents working in other types of industries as well. The most common occupations in Patchogue, NY are Office & Administrative Support Occupations (812 people), and Management Occupations (761 people).

The median age of residents in Patchogue, NY is 37.5 years old, with thirty-five percent of residents being 18 or younger. Another 20.7% of residents are thirty-four to forty-four years old. A small minority of residents are younger, with an average age of 35 years. In addition, males outnumber females by more than three to one. The area's Hispanic population is thirty-five percent higher than its White population, and the percentage is higher among foreign-born residents.

In 2019, eighty-one percent of people in Patchogue, New York, drove alone to work, while only 8.3% carpooled. Another four percent took public transportation. A population chart of this city's transportation options is available here. A graph showing the number of households who commute by each mode of transport is below. The chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to reflect fluctuations in smaller modes of transportation.