Penn Yan, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what life was like in Penn Yan City, New York, you won't be disappointed. With its small population and many attractions, Penn Yan has a unique charm that appeals to people of all ages. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or a relaxing weekend getaway, you'll find plenty to do in Penn Yan. Here's a look at how the city stacks up against other places in the state.

In Penn Yan, NY, the median age of all residents is 44.4. Of that number, 35 percent are foreign-born, while the average age is 46 for native-born residents. In addition, the most common origins of residents of Penn Yan are Jamaica, China, and the Dominican Republic. For a closer look at Penn Yan's demographics, consider the following:

The following chart shows how many households in Penn Yan, NY use each mode of transportation. The y-axis is set on a logarithmic scale to make it easier to see variations in smaller modes of commuting. In Penn Yan, NY, the majority of households use at least one car to get around. The largest percentage of households own two cars. The other bucket contains households that own no cars at all.

The population of Penn Yan is 12.0% larger than New York. The percentage of single-parent households is higher in Penn Yan than in Keuka Park CDP, which is forty-seven percent larger than Penn Yan. And there's a significant amount of retirees in the city. The average age of adults living in Penn Yan is 35.7, while the average age for those in Keuka Park is 55.