Pennellville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in a Pennellville city's demographics, you might want to know the population and steets of the area. The population of Pennellville City is approximately 2,047 residents. A majority of Pennellville residents commute to work via car. However, about a third of Pennellville city residents also walk or take public transportation. As with all statistics, it is important to note that this number may not be representative of the population.

For families, Pennellville is a great place to live. There are excellent schools, low crime, and a high homeowner's rate. The majority of homes in Pennellville are single-family homes. Although Pennellville may not be the best neighborhood for those looking for a nightlife scene, the town has many positive aspects to attract families. You will find a good mix of people in Pennellville, and the area is very family-friendly.

If you are looking for demographic data about the area, you can find it in the tables below. The population of Pennellville is categorized by age and education level. In the table below, you can view the ages of residents who are 25 and older. You can click on a column to get more information. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to answer your questions and help you plan your trip to Pennellville.

Among the people of the Pennellville area are Ambrose Gregg, who was born in 1833. He had held several town offices and operated a saw mill for many years. His son, Willis P. Gregg, was born in Schroeppel in 1858. Those were just a few of the people living in this city. There are more details about the people who live in Pennellville.