Pine City, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for Pine County, Minnesota demographics, you've come to the right place. Here, you can find information on Pine City's population and steets. The most recent population data are available in the City of Pine City, Minnesota. Its median household income and number of rooms per house are below the state average. Its percentage of minority residents and institutionalized population are significantly below the state average. Pine City is home to a dozen pilots and 18 other airmen, and it has thirty patent applications for the years 2008-2022.

In Pine City, Minnesota, there are 2.93k residents. The largest ethnic group is White (Non-Hispanic). The second largest is Black or African American. There are 33 Hispanic residents. The median household income in Pine City is $32,302.

Pine City is located within the 8th congressional district, which is represented by Rep. Pete Stauber. The city receives radio stations from the surrounding areas. Rail service is a possibility as a part of the Rush Line Corridor task force. A passenger line called the Northern Lights Express will connect area residents to the Twin Cities. In addition, Pine City has an intra-county transit system, including the Jefferson Lines that run twice daily.

The economic development authority of Pine City, MN commissioned the University of Minnesota Extension Office to conduct a Market Area Profile. The Market Area Profile contains demographic data for the area, allowing the city to compare itself to the rest of the state. The area has an older population than the state of Minnesota and a significant number of individuals live alone. About 25 percent of the population is single and nearly 30% is seasonal.