Plandome, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Plandome City? Plandome is a city in New York with a projected 2020 population of 1,468 residents. The population density is lower than the state and national average. It is also lower than nearby Plandome, New York communities like Flower Hill, where the population density is 3,019, and Great Neck Gardens, where the population density is 7,108.

The population of Plandome is a mix of natives and non-Hispanics. The city is approximately half the size of New York. Plandome has the lowest percentage of foreign-born residents of any of the local areas. The largest native populations are found in Plandome Manor and Plandome Heights. Although Plandome has a small minority of native residents, it still has a significant proportion of Native citizens.

The Willets family owned the farmlands north of Plandome Heights. This property is located near Willets Lane. Isaac Sherwood owned land to the south. This drive later became Colonial Parkway. Another prominent owner was Colonel Andrew A. Bremner. He owned a home and farm in the Bourndale section of the city. He later sold his property to his wife, who owned a store in the area.

The average household size in Plandome is 3.5. This is lower than the average for the local area. However, there are areas of Plandome with much higher family numbers, such as Munsey Park. Plandome also has a low divorce rate. If you're looking for an area where people are happier with their spouses, Plandome is a great place to live.