Queens Village, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Queen's Village City? This article will give you a quick overview of the city's demographics. Queens Village residents primarily identify as Caribbean (Jamaica, Dominican, and Haiti), though a few of them also claim Asian and Sub-Saharan African ancestry. However, the average age of Queens Village residents is 62.6 years, and only a small percentage of them are over 65 years old.

The commute to work in Queens Village City can be long. In some neighborhoods, the commute is nearly an hour one-way. Others allow commuters to walk or take public transportation. However, most Queens Village residents spend 45 to 90 minutes commuting one-way. This long commute can take up a lot of time, money, and energy, leaving less time for family and friends.

In addition to the Manhattan and Brooklyn neighborhoods, Queens Village is a popular college community. While many neighborhoods are geared towards attracting college students, Queens Village has some unique features that make it a particularly desirable place to live. Listed below are the demographics for the various neighborhoods in Queens Village. This is a good place to live for anyone with a passion for education, art, or sports.

The population and steets in Queens Village are estimated from census data. There are six nearby cities, each within six miles of Queens Village, NY. Big cities are good for booking flights between airports, while smaller towns are great for taking a road trip. And if you're just passing through Queens Village, you can always travel to one of these towns to get the feel for the neighborhood.