Rensselaer, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most recent Census data on the population of Rensselaer City, NY, indicates that the median age was 35.7 years in 2019. This includes both native-born citizens and those who were born abroad. According to the data, the average age of people in Rensselaer City is getting older, with an average age of 35 years in 2018. The most common place of birth for foreign-born residents of New York was the Dominican Republic, followed by China, Jamaica, and the United Kingdom.

Crime statistics in Rensselaer City show that a city's violent crime rate is 1.70 crimes per thousand people during a standard year. However, there are areas of the city that are safer than others, such as the northeast and southwest. Depending on the part of town you live in, your chance of being a victim of violent crime can be as high as one in 198 in the southwest part of Rensselaer, while it is one in ninety-five in the east. While it may seem counterintuitive to compare violent crime rates, the map will closely resemble that of a state.

Several decades ago, the natives of the region called the area "Petuquapoern" and "Juscum catick." In 1609, the Dutch claimed the land based on the discovery of the Hudson River. Eventually, the area was called De Laet's Burg, after one of the co-directors of the Rensselaerwyck Manor. It is thought that settlement started in the area in 1628, and it was only in 1642 that Hendrick Albertsen established a ferry from Beaver Creek to the city.