Rodman, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Rodmen City? If you are new to the area, you might be wondering what you can expect from your first trip. First, you should know that residents of Rodman City are much more likely to be married than the average American. In fact, 95.9% of residents in Rodman are married, and they speak English very well. Similarly, the percentage of people who are divorced in Rodman is lower than in most of the rest of the U.S. At 4.1%, there is a low rate of divorce among this city's population.

In Rodman, Iowa, the median annual income of households is $78,750. This is much higher than the $65,712 average income in the rest of the country. In Rodman, the median age is 60 years old. The median income in Rodman, IA is higher than the average income in neighboring states and the parent geographies. Additionally, there are no residents who are non-U.S. citizens, making it easy to compare this town to other areas of the country.