Saint Bonaventure, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you visit Saint Bonaventure City, you might wonder, "What are the population and steets like?" The crime rate in Saint-Bonaventure City is about average for a city of its size, but it is actually much safer than the national average. However, there are some factors to consider before choosing a residence in this city. These include crime history, safety, and crime rates.

Compared to other cities, Saint-Bonaventure, QC, has a very low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is only 0.36%, compared to 0.28% in its peer group. Despite the low unemployment rate, it indicates a strong local economy. People looking for work are getting matched up with employers. This information is collected from state, municipal, and census sources, and is based on third-party projections.

To find a location that suits your lifestyle and your budget, you can use the information below. The distance between Saint Bonaventure, NY and these cities is just 61 miles. To see how close they are, you can also use the search bar to locate cities within 100 miles of Saint Bonaventure. Alternatively, you can type a particular city in the search bar and select it as your target.