South Fallsburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for demographic data on the South Fallsburg city of New York, you'll be interested in knowing the population and steets of South Fallssburg. Luckily, we have the statistics you need. Take a look below to learn more about the city's current population and the surrounding area. You'll be able to compare South Fallsburg to other places in New York.

The population of South Fallsburg City has decreased steadily over the last five years. The reasons can range from a single critical event to long-term demographic patterns. One of the factors that contributes to this decline is the low birth rate. This, combined with the low demand for basic services, triggers a downward spiral. If this decline continues, the town may find itself without any population at all.

The crime rate in South Fallsburg City is lower than most other cities in the same size range. The city has higher educational levels than many other Sparse Suburban areas. Public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher to student ratios, and student reviews were all considered in the ranking calculations. Overall, crime rates are lower than the national average in South Fallsburg than the state and federal average. Across the board, housing costs, utilities, groceries, and other goods and miscellaneous goods are lower than those of the rest of the city.

The median income for residents in South Fallsburg is $32,022, and the city is predominantly Hispanic. However, there are also non-hispanic white residents, which makes the city's economic situation even more impressive. Its poverty rate is 14.6%, which means most of the citizens in South Fallsburg are Hispanic. A higher percentage of Hispanic residents will be able to afford a home and pay their bills.