Stanfordville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Stanfordsville City, New York? The town is quite small, not overpopulated. The median age is 41, with a little over twenty-four percent of residents under 18 years old. Twenty-nine percent are aged 25-44. Thirty-nine percent are aged 45-64. The rest are aged 65 and up. This makes Stanfordville a nice place to live if you are seeking a quiet lifestyle.

The population of Stanfordville is 2,158, with ninety-three households. The median home value is $362,849, and the average household size is 2.44. This small town is ranked forty-seventh in New York for its population, but housing costs are not very high compared to some of the most expensive communities in the state. However, the median household income is a little higher than the state average, at $63,427.

The people who live in the ZIP code 12581 are predominantly white. The percentage of people in their mid-20s is slightly higher than the national average. The percentage of families is slightly lower, and the percentage of children under the age of 18 is lower than average. While there are no official statistics, this area has a healthy number of businesses. This city is home to several large corporations. Listed below are the details on its population and steets.