Theresa, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Town of Theresa is located in Upstate New York. It is a small city and is close to the Canadian border and Lake Ontario. The town is located approximately 70 miles north of Syracuse, NY, and is part of the Watertown-Fort Drum, NY metro area. The population of Theresa is approximately 2,725 people. The town was named after the daughter of the original landowner.

In Theresa, NY, the median property value is $114,800, which is 0.477 times less than the national average. The median property value is down from $121,100 to $114,800 in just one year. Theresa, NY has a 65.9% homeownership rate. The median commute time is 26.6 minutes. There is one car per household, with the average property value being $114,800.

The crime rate in Theresa City varies greatly based on neighborhood. The north neighborhoods have lower crime rates than the northwest area. The central part of the city has more retail establishments, but the violent crime rate is often higher in areas where there are not as many people. The map of violent crime resembles the state's population maps. However, red areas do not necessarily indicate danger for residents.

Rent burden is the percentage of household income spent on rental housing. This statistic is helpful in estimating the affordability of housing in the city. The rent burden in Theresa, NY is less than half of the state's average, which is thirty-two percent. Other neighboring cities, such as Cape Vincent, have rent burdens that are 24.8% and 25.7%, respectively. Additionally, there are 32.3% of households living in Theresa, which is below the national average of 35.9%.