Tillson, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Tillson is a part of Ulster County, New York? Did you also know that Tillson has a median household income of $70,006? If you are interested in living in this town, you might want to learn more about the population and the statistics about the area. You will find some interesting facts and figures in this article. The population of Tillson is approximately 1,657.

The overall diversity of Tillson is a little different than that of most cities. The city has an average commute time of 31 minutes. Most people commute by car and do not use public transportation extensively. The next-most common method of transportation is riding a motorcycle. Walking or taking public transportation aren't popular in this town, however. And finally, the number of homeless people in Tillson is higher than the national average.

You can use these numbers to compare crime rates among different neighborhoods in the city. The crime map in Tillson displays the number of crimes per capita and per visitor. The north of the city has more retail establishments, yet crimes are typically committed in areas with few people. The red areas don't necessarily indicate a high crime rate in the city. And just because a city is safe doesn't mean that it is crime-free, don't assume that it is.

The median age of residents was 36. Males outnumbered females by 95.5:1, and the median age was 36 years. The population was spread out, and it was highly likely that everyone in Tillson City is a family. Whether you're looking for a place to raise a family, or simply want to see if Tillson City has a low crime rate, there's a lot to discover.