Treadwell, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Treadwell City, Oklahoma, you've come to the right place. We've gathered up all of the information you'll need to find the best place to live and raise your family. But what do you need to know first? Keep reading for more information. In Treadwell City, Oklahoma, there are lots of things to do for everyone!

There are several ways to look up Treadwell's population, from the United States Postal Service to the Geographic Names Information System. Both are excellent resources to find the name of any place. You can even search for the zip code for free using the United States Postal Service's Look Up ZIP Code website. However, you should verify the data from each source, and consider your own eligibility as well.

The population of Treadwell, NY, is 267 people and consists of 95 households. Its median home value is $142,708, and the average household size is 2.39. The median age is 48.8, with 0.4% black or Hispanic residents. Household income in Treadwell is $44,500 and the average is $52,026. The highest education level is high school and only 72% of its residents went to college. In addition, forty-seven percent of the population dropped out of college before graduating.