Troupsburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the Population & Steets in Tro-upsburg City, New York, you can start by looking up the nearest big city. The center of each city is roughly 77 miles from Troupsburg. Bigger cities are useful if you need to book a flight between them. Smaller towns can be useful if you're planning a road trip or just want to explore the area.

The population of Troupsburg City is 980 residents strong and includes 289 households. If you're considering billboard advertising in this area, consider the economic characteristics of the neighborhood. Median home values are $71,538 and the median household size is 2.85. According to the US Census, the population of Troupsburg is expected to increase by 2.1% over the next decade. The percentage of homeowners in Troupsburg City is 4.25 per 1,000 residents.

The primary zip code of Troupsburg is 14885. This area is located in Steuben County, New York. You can use a map to find it. The approximate population is 873. The town is part of the Jasper-Troupsburg Central School District. The school district includes 1 elementary school and one high school. You can find the zip code for Troupsburg on the map.